The property is owned and operated by the Gould Living Trust, located in Padcuah, Kentucky, 20 miles south.

     The owners moved to Paducah from their home state of Texas in the late 1980's.

     When the opportunity to construct a lodge on the property became a reality, the theme "Little Texas" was chosen.  Just a reminder of home.


The closest town is Reevesville, a village with a population of 250, just west of the property.  No services are available.

Within 20 miles are Paducah, Ky (population 25,000), Metropolis Illinois (population 6,500), and Vienna, Illinois (population 1,500).

The area was a key crossroad for early explorers, early settlers, and was near the primary route to St. Louis, Gateway to the Great Plains.  The Trail of Tears auto route is 2 miles north of the property.

about us

Little Texas Farm, Reevesville, Illinois

A primary foocus for 2017 is continued development of the hunting potential.  .  

    Development will include food plots, placement of permanent stands, and documentation of wildlife.

Little Texas Farm, Reevesville, Illinois

The property is 20 miles north of Paducah, Kentucky, 5 miles east of I-24, and 2 miles west of Illinois route 145.

The property is divided east and west by Bay Creek, and, north-south by Stafford Bluff, a limestone outcrop. 

The outcrop is a vestige of the Arkansas Ozarks running across Southern Illinois.  

The property is primarily a midwest row-crop operation. A farm-to table initiative was started in 2015. ​​

The area
